Book Review: Say It Well by Terry Szuplat

It is rare for a book release to become an event in itself. But that is precisely the case with this book. Say It Well: Find Your Voice, Speak Your Mind, Inspire Any Audience by Terry Szuplat is the first book in 20 years written by a former White House speechwriter. That fact alone should be enough to attract anyone interested in communication. However, let me add an even stronger reason: the book is truly excellent!

Terry Szuplat spent eight years writing speeches for President Barack Obama. After leaving the White House to enter the business world, he decided to put his insights into writing, sharing what it’s like to be the speechwriter for the most powerful person in the world.

Szuplat was not the only speechwriter at the White House. Presidential speeches are usually crafted by a team of several writers. No, Szuplat was not the one who wrote Barack Obama’s most famous speech, Yes, we can!—that was written by Jon Favreau, who later became the head of the White House speechwriting team (and was only 28 at the time!).

Szuplat specialized in foreign policy speeches, which allowed him to travel to over 40 countries with President Obama. 

The book has already become a bestseller in the U.S. and is set to be published in many other languages soon.


Is it worth reading? Absolutely—here’s why:

1. Practical communication principles backed by authority

I see Szuplat’s book as an update to the established communication canon. Every now and then, rigid rules that dominate the presentation and public speaking world need to be reassessed. One such rule discouraged ending a speech with thank you. Szuplat challenges this, asking: Why not? Why shouldn’t a speaker express gratitude for the audience’s time and attention?

He also dismantles the old myth that a good presentation must follow the formula: “Tell them what you’re going to say, say it, then tell them what you just said.” Instead, he offers alternative structures that are subtler and far more effective in building a connection with an audience. For instance, rather than stating what you’re about to say, Szuplat suggests opening with a few words of praise for the audience or the speaker. This tactic is incredibly effective—after all, who doesn’t like hearing themselves being praised?

2. A quest for the Holy Grail of communication

Say It Well is more than just the insights of a respected speechwriter or a breakdown of Barack Obama’s communication style. In my view, it is an attempt to uncover the Holy Grail of communication—a unique formula for mastering the art of speaking.

Whether or not Szuplat succeeds is up to each reader to decide. But for me, the very attempt is rewarding. The book provides numerous examples of outstanding speeches and presentations—not only from Obama but also from lesser-known figures who, through character, preparation, and technique, delivered exceptional speeches.

Among those featured are a young Bayern Munich football player, a librarian, a young poet, and a climate activist. This means you won’t just find inspiration from American politics, but from a wide range of fields.

3. One key sentence that defines effective communication

One of the most important lines in the book is:
“Effective communication begins with the story you tell yourself about yourself.”

This is the foundation of communication mastery. When you think about it, this is what separates exceptional speakers from average ones. The best speakers know who they are, what they stand for, what they believe in, and how they want to achieve their goals. This self-awareness fuels passion, energy, and conviction. Without it, there is no enthusiasm—without enthusiasm, it’s difficult to inspire an audience.

Before diving into technicalities or presentation details, start with the fundamentals. Ask yourself: Why is this topic so important to me? If you find a deep conviction that it truly matters, you are on the right path to moving your audience.

4. The 50-25-25 Rule

This is, without a doubt, the most important principle Szuplat explains. While I won’t reveal the entire formula, I’ll focus on the first number.

What does the 50 mean? It means that 50% of the time allocated for writing a speech or preparing a presentation should be spent on research, analysis, and reflection. Yes—White House speechwriters dedicate half of their time to thinking before writing a single sentence.

This is a counterintuitive approach compared to the typical process of creating presentations. Most people rush to fill the first slide or draft the opening lines. That’s a mistake. As Hemingway put it: “The first draft of anything is always sh*t.”

Don’t settle for the first ideas that come to mind. Those are just initial thoughts. Take time to consider how you can approach the topic differently, more effectively, and in greater depth. If the best communication experts spend 50% of their time reflecting on a topic, you should do the same. Instead of opening PowerPoint right away, grab a notebook and jot down your ideas. But don’t get too attached to them—analyzing the subject longer increases your chances of crafting a truly unique and powerful message.

Final Thoughts

In my humble opinion, Terry Szuplat’s book is a must-read in the modern communication canon. I put it on par with works by Simon Lancaster, Garr Reynolds, Nancy Duarte, and Carmine Gallo. I highly recommend it.

Does anything feel missing? Not necessarily a flaw, but rather a characteristic of the book—it contains fewer examples from the business world and more from politics and social causes. However, even those looking to improve their business communication skills will find plenty of valuable insights.

It’s absolutely worth reading!

PS. You can also watch my conversation with Terry Szuplat HERE, where we discuss his insights in more detail—I highly recommend it!
