What Does Miles Davis’ Jazz Have in Common with Great Presentations?

I’ve spoken many times at various events, training sessions, and conferences about the importance of pauses in presentations. Yet, I still feel that for most speakers, silence is seen as the enemy. They think every second must be filled with some kind of sound—this is why, in so many presentations, we hear the most dreadful noises a speaker can possibly produce: “uuuuhhhmmmm…”

A pause is a powerful thing. Great speakers are not afraid of pauses. They know that pauses help them. They allow the audience to breathe, process the thought just expressed, and understand that one topic is ending while another is about to begin.

However, presentations are not just about pauses—they are about rhythm. A presentation without diversity does not flow; it feels flat. The best presentations and speeches have varied tones—sometimes there’s room for a faster pace, sometimes for a slower one; at times, the narrative should build up like a crescendo, while at others, it should slow down like a diminuendo. A presentation should never be monotonous.

Masters of communication understand this perfectly. When Barack Obama was preparing to deliver his annual State of the Union Address, the speech was being written by Cody Keenan, who would later become his chief speechwriter. After reading the draft, Obama called Keenan in for a conversation and began:

“You know what, Cody? This is the best draft we’ve ever had eight days before the Union Address. But… we still have eight days, so we can make it even better, right?”

At these words, the speechwriter’s face fell.

Obama continued:

“The thing is, everything in this speech is just right. Every sentence is ten. Every word. But you know what? I need a ten here, a seven there, a four over here, and a six somewhere else… Do you get what I mean?”

“Not exactly,” Keenan replied.

Obama then rephrased:

“Let me put it another way. Do you listen to Miles Davis?”

Keenan admitted that he didn’t, but was open to giving it a try.

Obama went on:

“You know what they say about Miles Davis? That what made his music so powerful were the notes he didn’t play. The silence. So tonight, go home, pour yourself a drink, and listen to Miles Davis. Then come back tomorrow and find me some silences in this speech.”

So, here’s a piece of advice for you, my friend. Before you put the final period in your speech or presentation, relax. Sit comfortably on your sofa. Pour yourself a drink. And listen to Miles Davis. Feel the jazzy rhythm, and aim to achieve it in your presentation.

