Mastering PowerPoint Morph: A Step-by-Step Guide with Mind-Blowing Animation Tips

PowerPoint offers many animations and transitions that are not worth using in the world of professional presentations. Nevertheless, there is one animation, or rather transition, that is truly amazing. It is absolutely the best animation available in any presentation software. It’s called Morph. Today, I’ll show you how to use …

The Mehrabian Experiment – the biggest myth propagated in books, articles, and communication training sessions.

“Nonverbal communication accounts for 93% of all communication” – this claim is the biggest distortion repeated in books, newspaper articles, and communication training sessions. Unfortunately, many people have believed and perpetuated this claim. It is remarkable that this myth is propagated by authorities in the field of communication. I myself …

Effective Interpersonal Communication: 7 Key Tips

Communication is not just about conveying information. It is an art that, when mastered, can determine success or failure in business. Every conversation holds potential. We can harness that potential to build lasting relationships, influence others’ decisions, and create effective teams. So, I invite you on a journey through 10 …